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Примерно раз в неделю будут выкладываться новые статьи, это исследования многих ученых в области ионизации, которые велись со второй половины XVIII века(!!). Такого еще Вы нигде не видели, статьи научные, но написаны общедоступным языком, чтобы всем было интересно
Many ionizers and air cleaners in the markets are not corresponding to norms, and it frequently can simply do much harm to people's health. Discuss these all questions. The purpose of a forum is clearing a situation with norms on maximum concentration of ozone, electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, e t.c.
For all companies of Ural, Siberia and the Far East - on all questions and consultations of checking of air ion counters please call +7 (3832) 79-53-90 Novosibirsk
For convenient dust cleaning we modified the front panel of Sapphire - 4А ionizer. Now it is not necessary to disassemble the ionizer for cleaning, it is enough to detach the front panel.

Free delivery

Now delivery of our devices to Russian Federation (except for regions difficult of access) is free - at the instance of our clients.


Deceptive and misleading information about our devices has been distributed by some dishonest firms. Please, don't be fooled by taletellers! All characteristics of our devices, and their detailed description are at us on a site.
The weight of a product and its dimensions will be reduced. A new counter will have serial interface to for a PC. Soon after putting it into State Register, the new counter will be accessible to all our customers.
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Work is still in progress, we have not reached the desired results at full. As soon as we are done with that, more detailed description "as as" will be published here.
Showing 150 to 160 of 162 (16 Pages)