In our atmosphere there are quite strong electric fields. In normal conditions the ground is charged negatively, the clouds layer - positively. Normally the field is orientated from bottom to top. But it happens that the direction changes. Generally the difference of potentials is 100 volt per meter, sometimes during storms, snowstorms, dust storms it reaches 1000 volt per meter. Great changes of electric potential directly connected to meteorolo
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In 1748 began the researches of "atmosphere electricity". The abbot Nolet described his experiments where he electrified plants that put under the charged electrodes. He realized that the germination and development of plants was much better. But later there was no interest in the air ionization and about one century no one remembered about it.
Martin observed such an interesting phenomenon that the speed of air ions could largely vary because of the gas pollution and according to the age of the ion. Bekket denied the existence of exact definition of ions according to their sizes, because in the normal atmosphere there was a mixture of all types and sizes of ions, which moved with the different speed inversely to their sizes. Schvangard believes that air ions had "quite difficult molecu
Chizhevsky used high-voltage generators for production of negatively charged ions of higher concentration, where he followed the works of Gess and Kolhoster. Chizhevsky supposed that one of the best biological effects was achieved by alternative radiation and that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of a man decreased after the negative ionization, but at the same time too much radiation could cause undesirable, harmful effects. Chizhevsky and his
From 8 to 12 December in Moscow will be annual international exhibition "Health and safety - 2014". The exhibition will be held in 75th pavilion OCE (Art. M. ENEA). During the exhibition, call us at (903) 305-6000 Yantar LLC
Redesigned, improved characteristics of car ionizer Yantar-5T
From 10th to 13th December in Moscow will be an annual international exhibition - 2013". The exhibition will be in 75 pavilion OCE (Art. M. ENEA). During the exhibition, call us at (903) 305-6000 "Scientific and Production Company YANTAR LLC

Air ion counter Yantar-8

The first samples of the counter ions Yantar-8. Large range (up to 50,000,000 ions in cubic cm. Digital integration allows you to choose the frequency of removal of samples, depending on the task. Periodic automatic installation mode 0 and gain calibration allows the clock measurements without human intervention (Meteostation).
Added alternatives veneered enclosures. You can see them in the catalogue.
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