Strangely enough, we pay so much attention to what we eat, drink and at the same time we show such an insignificant interest to the air we breathe. "The air is a pasture of life", - used to say ancient doctors. The state of health of a person depends on the quality of air. But how can we determine whether the air is good or not? What is its biological and physiological importance? And how can we regulate the quality - for example, how can we create an atmosphere of fresh air in the overcrowded room?
In 90-th of the last century one famous Russian hygienist I.I.Kiyanitsyn carried out very interesting experiments. He set the guinea pigs, rabbits and dogs under the bell-glass, and supplied them with the air, which was transmitted through the red-hot sand and cotton, and then cooled up to the normal temperature. In such filtered atmosphere animals felt sick and died in several days. The other animals that were set in the same conditions but were supplied with undisturbed room air, stayed safe and sound. We came to the conclusion that filtered air became biologically inactive. But what could happen with it? Chemically it didn't change: 20% of oxygen, 80% of nitrogen, excluding 1% of inert gases that, probably, didn't play any role in the living processes. Development of medicine and biology was very close to the triumphal formation of microbiology.
Splendid works of Lewie Paster greatly influenced the scientific world. Kiyanitsyn came to conclusion that there always were some kinds of "oxidizing" microorganisms in our atmosphere. Their absence in filtered air caused a sudden disorder of oxidizing processes in the organism of animal and, as the result, the death of this animal. And was it necessary to look for the reason of this mysterious fact not in the air but somewhere else? Though it is not surprising, even now there are a lot of facts that prove how poorly we know the nature of air.
Only in recent years the works of Soviet professor M.I. Volsky helped us to disabuse the error that the nitrogen was biologically inactive in the air and that it was not the vitally necessary agent of our breathing.
It was managed to solve the puzzle of experiments described above (by the way the experiments were very quickly forgotten). It turned out that there was no need to make the complicated filters to see the same effect; it was enough to put a peace of cotton in the air pipe. It seemed that air, coming in the bell-glass, didn't change. The chemical composition was the same. The water and food was enough, but animals died.
Maybe the reason is the hygroscopicity of cotton? The cotton absorbs the dampness and makes the filtered air drier? But under the bell-glass there always was an open container with water. So, what physical changes could happen then? The careful researches displayed that the cotton layer didn't transmit neither electric charge, no ions. The experimental animals breathed the air without of any ions.
The atmosphere air that we breathe bears electric charge on the known part of its molecules. Before this fact wasn't taken into consideration of researches. The living organisms of our planet appeared, developed and lived in ionized environment. Ionization of air is one of the conditions of normal development of highly organized life. For a long time people noticed that the air is different in different places. We used to say that the village air of fields, meadows and forests is healing, and we try to go there to escape the city air, which is unfavorable for our health. But why is it so?
It turned out that the air is not only polluted with industrial wastes, moreover it also has 5-10 times less air ions, which are so necessary for our organism, than in the village air. These air ions raise our vital activity, our neuropsychic tonus, which provides our cheerfulness and good mood. The man built the house and deprived himself of a normal ionized air, perverted his natural environment, and started a conflict with the nature of his organism.People of modern cities spend the most part of their life indoors and gradually lose their protecting biological forces, deform the skeleton, weaken the muscular system, and bring their tissues and organs to dystrophic (connected to derangements of general feeding) irreversible changes.
Measurements of natural ionization of atmosphere showed that one cubical centimeter contained about 700 - 1500 negative air ions; in some resorts even up to 15000. And in residential rooms the number of negative ions reduced up to 25 in one cubical centimeter. Such quantity hardly supported the living processes of a person. That's the reason why people used to open the window, to go outdoors from time to time, and to go in the country.
Comparatively not long ago scientists got to know that the oxygen atom attracts electrons. You know it perfectly well that the nucleus of oxygen atom consists of eight positive particles, and there are eight electrons in orbits. What will happen if one more electron joins it? We must get a special atom of oxygen that possesses the electron shell of fluorine atom, neighboring the oxygen according to the periodic table and moreover this special atom has the modified nucleus spin. So, from this follows its powerful biological effect that is missing in the unionized oxygen.
The effect of ionized air is very beneficial. To clear it up the Central Laboratory of air ionification carried out a lot of experiments with agricultural animals: birds, cattle, pigs, rabbits and etc.
All the animals got rid of diseases, put on weight, fattiness of milk increased, the death rate decreased. The practice of air ion therapy indicates the same. The air ions promote the treatment or relief of some diseases of nasopharynx, respiratory tracts, cardiovascular system (essential hypertension), hemopoietic organs, nervous system, endocrine apparatus and etc. The systematic inhalation of air ions in concentration of 103 in one cubical centimeter reduces fatigability, improves attention, capacity for work and moreover you need less time to rest. Air ion saturation of school classes decreases the quantity of diseases, improves the growth and weight of children and teenagers.
Artificially ionized air is produced with the help of special facilities. They don't need much space or special care, and don't take much energy. In order to transform an oxygen atom in the air iron we do not need a lot - 13,5 electron volt. But to produce a lot of ions at once, of course, we should increase the general power of the installation. (more than milliard of electron volt). And that's not all; we need to support the viability of the biologically active air ions, to give them additional energy, in order to achieve their mobility speed at least 0,3-1 meters per second.
It becomes clear that the homemade pocket "ionizers" without the ventilator are nothing else than insignificant toys. They are not of benefit and just mislead the public.
Last time a lot of "inventors" offer water and some other "ionizers" of that kind. Indeed, while fragmentation water becomes electric but the oxygen doesn't ionize. It is experimentally proved.
And this "fragmented" water "treatment" is either ignorance or charlatanry. It is important to be very careful and beware of ignorance in the field of physics. Only profound knowledge will help us to escape mistakes. The discovery of air ions biological effectiveness brought us to the idea that now our task is to create the atmosphere of our best resorts in all habitable rooms. Nowadays we are on the bound of time when the air ionizers will become usual for us as the water pipe, gas or electric light.
The author of the article - A.L. Chizhevsky (Yuny Technik 1964 year)