Dynamics of incidence of viral infections in schoolchildren in the application of bipolar ionizer Yantar

Dynamics of incidence of viral infections in schoolchildren in the application of bipolar ionizer Yantar

The purpose: a definition of the changes in morbidity of viral infections in the 4th form schoolchildren of Kazan Lyceum №121 under the influence of a bipolarionizer"Yantar"

Methods of investigation: Within threemonthsof continuous operation of a bipolarionizer"Yantar"placed in the classroom of elementary school was determined the dynamics ofviral infectionsamong 30 pupils of the 4th form of Kazan Lyceum №121. Morbidity rates of viral infections were comparedfrom March to May in 2013 and 2014.

Results:Anumber of cases with viral infections for the period in 2013 was amounted 162 cases for 54 days. In 2014 it was amounted 118 cases for 56 days. The calculation of an intensive rate of morbidity of viral infections in 2013: 10% The calculation of an intensive rate of morbidity of viral infections in 2014: 7% . The absolute number of affected children within 3 months was decreased by 44 people which amounted to 27% Also was noted an overall reduction in morbidity of viral infection by 3% The highestmorbidity of viral infections was observed in March 2013-2014 and amounted to 8,3% and 6,6 % respectively.The criteria for matchingis equal to 9,3, that greater thantable value with the number of freedom degrees n=(2-1) х (2-1)=1, so the nullhypothesiswasuntenable, consequently, the application of a bipolarionizer"Yantar" influences the level of morbidity of viral infections.

Findings: Within threemonthsof continuous operation of a bipolarionizer"Yantar"placed in the classroom of elementary school the number of affected children was decreased by 27%. The morbidity of viral infections for the three-month period was decreased by 3%, which provesthepositive effect of a bipolarionizer"Yantar" on the air composition in the classroom. Certainly, the reduce of morbidity is slight, because there was no effect of a bipolarionizer "Yantar"in house conditions.

Becausethe criteria for matching in our example is equal to9,3 that greater thantable value with the number of freedom degrees n=(2-1) х (2-1)=1, so the nullhypothesiswasuntenable, consequently, the application of a bipolarionizer"Yantar" influences the level of morbidity of viral infections.

Keywords: viral infections, aero ions, a bipolarionizer"Yantar"