History of air ionization researches (part 2)

History of air ionization researches (part 2)

Martin observed such an interesting phenomenon that the speed of air ions could largely vary because of the gas pollution and according to the age of the ion. Bekket denied the existence of exact definition of ions according to their sizes, because in the normal atmosphere there was a mixture of all types and sizes of ions, which moved with the different speed inversely to their sizes. Schvangard believes that air ions had "quite difficult molecular structure with electric charge".  

It was well known that in some regions and after specific changes of weather conditions the negatively charged air ions began to predominate in the air. For example, it concerned places where the people watered plants with the water that had radioactive qualities. During the centuries it was known that such water was very beneficial. Later Kornblyu and Pyersolom found out that radioactive water was not useful but the inhalation of radon vapor had the treating effect. It was reasonable to suppose that it was not the effect of radon itself, but the ionization of the air caused the desired therapeutic effect, since the radon radiated the alpha radiation, which in turn created the necessary prerequisites for air ionization.

According to Vinischbauer data near the waterfalls the air ionization greatly increased in moments when the water fell down and broke up into the smallest drops. At that time there appeared large positively charged ions and negatively ionized small ions (Lenard effect).

The small negatively charged drops stayed in the air much longer than the larger positively ionized ones, which obeying the law of gravity aspired to the ground at higher speed. So, the air near the waterfall contained the relatively large quantity of negatively charged particles. The ions, which appear in such way, had three different sizes and different degrees of electric charges.

In identical steady conditions at about 3300 feet height (1000 meters) the general density of small ions was 400 - 800 ions, as defined Vindischbauer and Bekket working independently of one another. In normal weather conditions the density of air ions and in accordance with it the following air ionization depended on many factors, including such factors as barometric pressure, temperature, wind speed, humidity, air pollution, lighting, closeness of big ponds, people habitats and mountains.

Yaglou and Bendjamin noticed that there was a definite back correlation between the humidity and ionization. Martin mentioned the harmful influence of polluted atmosphere on the air ionization. Bekket and many others determined that in comparison with the negatively charged small (light) air ions the positively charged small (light) air ions would be in the majority and the proportion of positive and negative ions would be 5 to 4.

In Bad-Gastein Gerke made additional measurements and it helped to define that near the waterfall there were about 1000-3400 small positively charged ions and 1000-37000 small negatively charged ions in one cubic centimeter. At the same time there were made the control measurements at some distance from the waterfall and they showed that there were about 800 ions in one cubic centimeter.

Schwangard gave the example of Israel who observed the abundant quantity of ions of average size near the water sources in Bad Gastein. In the Visbaden resort with mineral sources use this principle. They negatively charged the smallest aerosol of salt solution.

Very often some forms of asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases caused by the dysbolism were arrogated to influence of that form of aerosol therapy. Forgt and Amelung came to the agreement that there was no proof, as though the unipolar charge of aerosol improved its therapeutic effectiveness.

Vindischbauer emphasized the difference of ionization in the gaseous and flow medium. In view of the fact that ionization in fluids provoked dispersion of molecules in the form of anions and cations it should be said that in the gaseous medium the same forces provoked the removal of electrons and replacement by positive or negative electric charges. The period of such gaseous air ion existence was very small but this process was constantly repeating during the work of ionization source.

Faila believes: "It is well-known that ionization involves chemical changes and in the living system complex there are a lot of abilities to chemical reorganizations". However, it was considered that the energy that emerges for ionization would be able to play some role in appearance of chemical changes in the whole biological system.

Some molecules that escaped ionization process had the great stock of energy and existed in the "excited state". It was common knowledge that such "excited states" facilitate the chemical processes. Therefore while studying of biological effects of ionizing radiation influence it was important not only to ionize the molecules but also to "excite" them.

Glasser observed the following: "If we take away one or more orbital (extra-nuclear) electrons from the atom, for example, with the help of X-rays, so the rest of electrons will have the over positive charge; and this damaged atom is called a positive air ion. If these electrons join the neutral atom on their on, with the help of electrostatic attraction negatively charged air ions will promote the development of ions with the opposite charge into different chemical components". 

Continuation of  the article >>

The author of the article - Aydar Tuktagulov (Sapphire Company 